Member-only story
What it’s like to be a chef ( not safe for YOUR work)

All chefs understand the untold theory that we all have something clearly wrong with us.
For reasons that we do not intend to look further into, out of fear of depression and complete loss of sense and purpose.,
We enjoy working in what we call the back of house. Where all decency and political correctness goes out the window.
A professional kitchen is one of the only work environments where you talk to your co-workers the way you actually want to.
Do you have any idea how satisfying it is to walk into work and be able to shout out “Morning cunts!” And it’s perfectly acceptable.
We do not have the time, patience and certainly not courtesy to deal with our coworkers in a professional manner.
How many times have you had a conversation with a coworker while thinking, “Someone needs to tell this guy he’s a prick”? Well as a chef you walk up to him and say, “Chef, you’re being a prick, and out of all the tragedies the human race has suffered throughout the years, the night your daddy was too drunk to avoid the mistake of ploughing your mother was by far the worst.” And the response can be a genuine, “You know what chef, I needed that, good morning.”